The girls in our office aren't the only ones who have style to spare. Our crop of furry friends each have a unique look all their own. We're taking this opportunity to introduce you to a new member of our extended family every week, starting with the unofficial BC Footwear mascot, Miss Gladys.

Claudia, our Customer Service Manager, dishes on her English Bulldog, Miss Gladys Bouvier (Miss Gladys for short).
Age: She'll be 5 in June
Is there a story behind the name Miss Gladys?
I like names that sound old lady-ish, so I was set on Gladys. A friend (and now god-mother to her) was joking and pretending to call for her and called out "Miss Gladys Bouvier, you get back here." It was spot on. Plus, she's a true lady like Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy and Marge Bouvier Simpson, so it was perfect.
Likes: Chewing, sleeping, eating, laying her jowls on people.
Dislikes: Oh man, so many things. Skateboards, shopping carts, people on bikes...ok basically anything on wheels. Oh yea, also boxes.
Where are her favorite places to hang out?
In bed, a patch of sun, in between me and my boyfriend.
What's her favorite treat?
Paul Newman Peanut Butter treats. Also, she ate a McRib once and nearly lost her mind. (I's awful.) So, if she was writing this list, that would have to be #1. McRibs.
What's the best thing about having your pup?
Having a little buddy to go on adventures with!
Who is your pup's best friend?
Milo Marie (a portly pug) and Penny (my niece's beautiful rescue pup).
How would you describe Miss Gladys's personal style?
Ladylike with a side of street.